Windows 10 将支持Raspberry Pi 2


消息说Windows 10将支持新发布的树莓派2,而且树莓派官网上Pi 2的价格和原来的Model B+一模一样,性能上却翻了好几倍。

Let’s get the good stuff out of the way above the fold. Raspberry Pi 2 is now on sale for $35 (the same price as the existing Model B+), featuring:

  • A 900MHz quad-core ARM Cortex-A7 CPU (~6x performance) //你好,我是4核
  • 1GB LPDDR2 SDRAM (2x memory) //哇,1G内存,好大
  • Complete compatibility with Raspberry Pi 1//呵呵

看上去似乎比一代的树莓派Model B+参数上要好很多,但是基于ARM构架的处理器来运行Windows 10会不会卡出蓝翔来呢?毕竟我现在Windows 8.1的笔记本(SL9400 CPU,4G RAM)用Chrome之后多开几个网页之后就会出现内存不足的状况。



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